Step 1 Decide what you would like to order.

Browse our catalogue for our weekly specials.

Step 2 Place your order online

place you order via our online shop click here

Step 3 we will contact you and confirm

This will be over mobile to confirm your order and receive payment.

Step 4 enjoy your food!

No fuss! and friendly smile upon delivery.

Delivery right to your door!

Organise today


To organize Delivery contact us below.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you deliver to my area?

    In local areas, spend over $100 and get free delivery.

    Is there an extra delivery fee outside the local area?

    The delivery charge varies depending on your area. Please contact us with your postcode to confirm delivery fee.

    Why if I put in an order can I not have it delivered immediately?

    Our deliveries are done on a ‘round’ basis which helps to maximize efficiency, if you require a delivery at a certain time please contact us and we will do the best we can.

    What if I am not at home to receive your delivery?

    Unfortunately, since food will most likely need to be kept cold or frozen we will have to organize a time when you are home.